Department Official
img Shri Suresh Kumar Gupta, IFS
to Government
To supervise and monitor the overall working of the Department. 0191-2548715
0191-2520854 (Fax)
2506091 (Fax)
Avatar Smt. Deepika Sharma
JKAS Secretary
To deal with all the Plan and development related matters and to advise & assist the Administrative Secretary in all such matters.0191-2566623 9622509393(M) tourismplg(at)gmail(dot)com
Avatar Satnam Singh
Director Finance
To deal with the Accounts related matters, to advise and assist the Administrative Secretary in all such matters. 9419205057(M) 9419205057(M) satnam11061968(at)gmail(dot)com
Avatar Trishala Kumari,JKAS
Special Secretary
To assist the Administrative Secretary in the matters related to:

i) Libraries & Research, J&K
ii) J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages
iii) Kala Kendra
iv) Co-ordination
9419189769 departmentculture123@gmail.com
Avatar Malikzada Shaeraz ul Haq,JKAS
Special Secretary
To deal with the Accounts related matters, to advise and assist the Administrative Secretary in all such matters. 7006984270(M) 7006984270(M) departmentculture123@gmail.com
Avatar Dr. Mohammad Maqbool
State Nodal Officer AKAM
To assist the Administrative Secretary in the matters related to Activities under Azadi Ka Amrit Mohatsav & Meri Maati Mera Desh 9419028839 departmentculture123@gmail.com
Avatar Vishwa jeet
Additional Secretary
To assist the Administrative Secretary in the matters related to:

i) Archives, Archeology & Museums
ii) J&K Toshkhana Organization
iii) General Section
iv) Office Administration
9419796564 vishwa.jeet@gmail.com
Avatar Ms. Shubi Tabassum
Deputy Secretary
NA. NA 7006002097 departmentculture123@gmail.com
Avatar Ms Neerja Pandita,
Under Secretary
NA NA 7006409842 departmentculture123@gmail.com
Avatar Shri Amar Singh,
Under Secretary
NA NA 7051945130 Amarsinghso67@gmail.com
Avatar Sh. Mukesh Singh,
Assistant Legal Remembrancer
NA NA 7889908390 NA
Avatar Farooq Ahmad Banday
Private Secretary
7006207210 jksecyculture21(at)gmail(dot)com